Managed IT & HelpDesk Solutions for Businesses

Expanding Your Team with One Clicks

Written by Robert McNicholas | July 31, 2017

These days, it seems like everyone’s a specialist. How can you get skilled help when you need it? And without breaking the bank?As if running your business wasn’t hard enough, you’ve run into a problem that requires help. Maybe you want to update your website and you need a web developer for a few weeks. Perhaps you’d like to get a mobile app. Or maybe you just need a hand during a particularly busy period.

If you’re looking to expand your team, either permanently or temporarily, you can run into another issue: technology. Adding a new user can be extremely cheap and simple — or very complicated. In this post, we’ll look at the options you have to hire extra help and the tech options that can make this easier.


Finding a Pair of Helping Hands

Although it might be tempting to ask a friend or relative to fill in for a couple weeks, I’d only do it if they have the exact skill set you need (i.e., if your friend is an accountant, he can help out with your taxes; but if he’s a veterinarian, not so much). Trust me; it’s stressful for everyone if you ask a person to do a job he or she is not equipped to do.Here are some ways you can expand your team:

1. Hire a remote worker, either through a service (like Worldwide 101 or TopTal) or through a freelance bid site (like While you can find much cheaper rates on the bid sites, know that you usually get what you pay for. Companies like Worldwide 101 and TopTal carefully vet the skills of their workers, so you’re likely to pay more for your peace of mind. The bottom line: Don’t go for the cheapest hire — be prepared to do some work to find a good candidate.
2. Check out a staffing service. Remember these? They’re still going strong. While you might be working with a brand name like Kelly Services, there may also be smaller local agencies to tap into. The drawback here is that you actually have to find space and equipment for your worker, which you don’t have to do with a telecommuter.
3. Hire an individual or an agency on an as-needed basis. This is ideal if you have regular, recurring specialized work, like website maintenance or IT management. Yes, you’ll have to pay for his or her expertise — but it’s still cheaper than paying the individual a salary!


So, suppose you go with option 1 and hire a remote worker. What’s next?

Expanding Your Team with One (or Nine) Clicks

If you use Google Apps for Work, adding a new user to your team is easy; the Apps Help website lists a total of 12 steps, three of which are optional (and one of which is clicking "done"). After a wait of up to 24 hours, your new team member has his or her own access to your Google system and can interact in real time with other team members. And when the work is done, you can simply delete his or her account.

Is it expensive to add a user to Google? In a word: no. It’s $5 per user per month. That’s an easily absorbable expense.

If you don’t want to use Google Apps, there’s nothing wrong with using email, Skype, and various productivity platforms to stay connected. After all, there’s no real need to add your web developer, accountant, or app developer to your Apps team. Staying in communication, however you do it, is the key.

So the next time an unexpected bump in business comes, don’t let it stress you. Use technology to expand your team. If it’s the technology itself that’s getting you down, contact Techsperts for a solution!