Managed IT & HelpDesk Solutions for Businesses

In-House vs. Outsourced IT Services: Which Is Better?

Written by Ethan Page | November 1, 2021

Are you considering outsourcing Orlando IT services?

One of the most important decisions you'll ever make as a small business owner is whether to outsource your IT services or to hire an in-house team. For most organizations, information technology integration is an essential aspect of doing business.

Most business owners know that you need necessary system upgrades, technology re-evaluation, and regular maintenance if you want to get the most out of your IT department.

These requirements are hectic and time-consuming especially when handled by a team without proper experience and IT training. This may lead to costly mistakes in the future. Therefore the only way to get the most out of your IT team is to outsource IT support Tampa.

If you’re on the fence about the best decision to make, read on below for more clarification:

In-House IT Experts

Are you wondering whether to get an in-house IT team for your business? While an in-house team could be great, there are lots of financial factors to consider before starting the hiring process. Read on below for the pros and cons of hiring an in-house team.

Pros of Hiring In-House IT Experts

Getting a full-time, in-house IT department is a major decision for most companies. However, it may come with a higher return on investment. There are many benefits of hiring an in-house team. These benefits include:

Easier Access to Help

An on-sight team will always be there to offer you and your employees the IT support you need. If your team experiences any technical issues with their gadgets or the system, the in-house team will be there to help. This removes the middleman from the picture, giving you direct access to IT support.

Immediate Solutions

Do you want immediate solutions to problems whenever they occur? Then hiring an in-house team is the best option for you. Your IT team will offer you immediate solutions to issues as soon as they occur, leading to reduced downtime and a solution that’s tailor-made for your business.

Hands-on Experience

Hiring an in-house IT team ensures that you have access to an expert who will personally address the problem and diagnose technical issues experienced by your employees on the spot. This reduces the risk of mistakes. An in-house IT team is also the best option if you’re looking to install complex infrastructure in the future that may require upgrades and regular monitoring.

Intimate Understanding of Your Needs

An in-house team will have access to your technology, systems, and devices every day. This gives them an insider’s view of your IT needs and problems. Therefore, they can anticipate your business’s IT needs and problems before they occur.

Cons of Hiring an In-House IT Team

Hiring an in-house team can have a positive effect on your business IT needs. There are also many benefits of hiring an in-house team. However, there are also some disadvantages that come with it. These include:

It’s an expensive undertaking that requires you to hire an employee and pay a fair wage based on your location.

Developing software in-house can be complex and labor-intensive for your already overwhelmed team.

It’s easy for your IT department staff members to be poached by another business.

Your business’s future is dependent on the in-house team’s limited knowledge, especially if you don’t have external support.

Most in-house IT staff only work during regular working hours, and they are not available to handle any issues outside these hours.

You will have a limited talent pool when looking for the right IT expert

Hiring in-house IT experts comes with the above disadvantages. Your company’s IT needs may be too taxing for the in-house team to handle alone. Hence, you may also need to outsource some services.

Outsourced IT Services

Most business owners prefer outsourcing IT services because of the upgrades and regular maintenance required for optimal performance. More businesses today are recognizing the benefits of outsourcing IT services. The industry is estimated to incur an annual growth rate of 12.7% between 2021 to 2028.

If you’re considering outsourcing your IT services, Google “IT services near me” and check out the companies that show up on the result page.

Pros of Outsourcing IT services

Working with professional IT managed services is the best way for companies to get professional assistance. This is a great option for companies that don’t want the responsibilities and commitment of hiring an in-house team.

Below are other benefits of outsourcing your IT support Tampa:

  • It’s a more affordable option than hiring an in-house team
  • It helps you avoid the commitment of adding an extra department to your company
  • Access to 24/7 expert assistance and customer service
  • You will have access to a larger knowledge base of IT trends, security risks, standards, and government regulations
  • You will have a larger talent pool that extends beyond your local area
  • Managed services help you protect your business from cyberattacks

Outsourcing IT services is the best option if you don’t want the responsibilities of hiring an in-house team. It’s also beneficial because you will have access to a larger knowledge base and talent pool at an affordable price.

It’s also an excellent option for businesses with a smaller budget. With over 40% of cyber-attacks targeting small businesses, outsourcing IT services will help you protect your company and take proactive steps in case of an attack.

Cons of Outsourcing Services

As seen above, outsourcing your IT services could solve many issues. However, you should also check out the below disadvantages to help you choose the best option for your company:

  • Lack of in-person interaction with the IT team
  • Possibilities of longer response and turnaround time
  • Possible communication problems due to lack of face-to-face interactions

When dealing with managed IT services, most of your communication will be over the phone or through online means. This may create possible communication problems, including delayed response and miscommunication.

To avoid this, ensure you ask questions if you don’t understand something and confirm that the team understands your problem.

Do You Want Orlando IT Services?

We offer the best IT services depending on your company’s needs. We offer our clients proactive system monitoring, IT support, server repairs, data recovery, and other managed services.

Are you looking to outsource Orlando IT services? Then look no further; contact us today at TechSpert Services for all your IT needs.