Managed IT & HelpDesk Solutions for Businesses

Three Offline Things That Will Keep You Secure Online

Written by Robert McNicholas | May 20, 2015

Think online security is all about watching what websites you visit and avoiding suspicious attachments? It’s time to go old school on today’s technology.

Cybersecurity threats are in the forefront of the news today – and for good reason. We all use the Internet freely, but it’s important to remember that not everyone is a law-abiding citizen you’d invite onto your private home or business network.

You can, of course, rely on specialized security software to keep you safe. You know the ones: they come with anti-malware, a firewall, a password manager; they scan your Facebook wall and sometimes keep the inner workings of your PC clean and tidy.

We suggest that you do install one of these and that you do rely on them.

But not completely.

Don’t get us wrong. We’re not saying there’s a fatal flaw in your favorite security program. But there is in its human users.

The best online security suite is defenseless against poor planning.

How Old-School Ideas Will Help You Stay Safe Online

Three tried, tested, and trusted business concepts can help you stay safe online: the meeting, the code of conduct, and the plan.

  1. Have a Code of Conduct. First, make a list of what you do not want your employees (or family members, as the case may be) doing. Basics may include sharing passwords, staying logged in to financial or confidential sites and then leaving the computer, letting strangers have access to your private Wi-Fi network, plugging in unscanned devices or USB drives to the network or a computer on the network, etc.
  2. Have a Meeting. Next, let everyone know what your expectations are. Either have a meeting or circulate a written copy of your rules. In addition to the do-not-do’s listed above, include proactive solutions like having a strong password, changing it regularly, and doing regular light maintenance on your PC – stuff like checking that the security program is active and all the updates are, well, up to date.
  3. Have a Plan. Finally, admit that problems can and often do arise despite your best efforts to stay secure. Have a basic PC emergency protocol in place that designates who will handle an event (such as a virus warning from your anti-malware program) and what they will do (try to remove it using the program; call TechSpert Services for advice if this doesn’t work).

As you can see, today’s technology can benefit from a touch of old-school planning and preparedness. If you have any questions about making your home or business network more secure, don’t hesitate to call us today!

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