Managed IT & HelpDesk Solutions for Businesses

Why Information Security is Vital in the Mobile Workforce Device Security

Written by Robert McNicholas | March 27, 2019

If your employees don’t currently telecommute, chances are that they will in the next decade. Even with former Yahoo! CEO Marissa Mayer banning home-based work, it was estimated that 20 to 30 million people telecommute at least one day of the week (U.S. Census Bureau). For small business owners this could be good news. Smaller staffs equal large delays when a worker can’t make it to the office. Home-based work allows flexibility, and it’s a strategy many start up companies are using.

However there are problems to allowing your employees to work from their nearest coffee shop, namely security. How can data be securely transferred from an employee’s personal computer over a free Wi-Fi network? What about file loss or file corruption?

“Technology is not a problem,” said Dr. Emma Garrison-Alexander, chief information officer at the Transportation Security Administration. “…the challenges are really around security.”

If you allow employees to work from personal devices, i.e. devices not owned by the company, it is important to set up parameters. Putting security protections in place will save your company hassles and potential lawsuits down the road. At Techspert Services they are able to set up backup systems for your data. Files will be backed up with enterprise level-cloud based software. This means no more wondering if important documents will be lost in the “data-sphere” as you will be able to access your documents from any computer with an internet connection.

It’s also important to provide security levels to certain employees. Techspert Services can also help maintain who has access to certain information by setting up security clearances to members. 

To avoid the risk factor out of working from home, let Techspert Services manage the security problems that telecommuting can pose.
